The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) is a peak organisation representing traditional, innovative and emerging industry sectors. In 2019, we partnered with the Ai Group to address the skills and knowledge required within Industry 4.0 manufacturing and engineering environments. We have been working closely with the Ai Group to develop new qualifications that place a core focus on the high-level technological skills and tools required for in-demand roles of the future workforce within Industry 4.0. This collaboration is an ode to the emphasis we have on providing quality training that is directly aligned to meet the specific needs of industry.
“Ai Group and South Metropolitan TAFE have been working together to develop an innovative training program that reflects the needs of Western Australian Business. The work so far has shown a clear understanding of how the training needs for WA differ and is ensuring the development of a truly unique WA package that will assist WA business grown and prosper.”
Kristian Stratton, WA State Manager, Ai Group.