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SM TAFE (Microsoft 365) Student Account

Before you can log in to any of our online systems, you first need to ensure you have set up your Microsoft 365 account.

It may take up to 48 hours after your enrolment is finalised for your login details to be provided to you. You will receive an email that includes your SM TAFE Student ID Number, Student Email and default password.

Log in for the first time
  • On Campus – after you log in on a campus computer with your username (Student ID Number) and your default password, you will be prompted to change your password.


  • Off Campus – after you log into the SM TAFE Student Hub(opens in a new tab) at home with your username (Student Email) and your default password, you will be prompted to change your password.
Password Requirements

Your new password:

  • must be a minimum of 14 characters.
  • can be any combination of letters, numbers or symbols.
  • must not include any part of your name or date of birth.
  • cannot be a password you have already used.

Tip – use words or phrases you are going to remember.

Example Password – passwordcanbejustalongstringwithoutnumbersorsymbols

Your new password will now apply to all SM TAFE systems e.g. Microsoft 365, Student Hub, Blackboard and MyEnrolments.


Microsoft Authenticator & Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Once you have changed your password, you will be prompted to download the Microsoft Authenticator application to a working smartphone and set up MFA. This will add an important layer of security that will protect your SM TAFE account from being compromised or hacked.

  • The Microsoft Authenticator app is available for iOS Apple and Android devices.
  • We recommend you set it up using a smartphone and computer.

To guide you through the MFA set up process, please watch this video. 

Password Expiry

Your SM TAFE password will expire every 180 days. Change it before it expires, by going to the Student Hub and clicking the Reset My Password link or going directly to  

Help with your SM TAFE (Microsoft 365) Student Account – Reset Password and/or MFA
  • Lecturing staff can reset your password and/or MFA. Please have your Student ID Number handy.
  • You can call 1800 001 001 to have your password and/or MFA reset. Please have your Student ID Number handy.
  • You can visit a Campus Library or Customer Service Centre for in-person help to reset your password and/or MFA. Please have your Student ID Number handy.

As a student you are welcome to use our free Wi-Fi on campus using your own device, or take advantage of computers that are available for use in our libraries during opening hours.

Please take note of our terms and conditions of use for our computer systems and other ICT policies

To access the free Wi-Fi on all campuses use the login details below:

  • Select the network GUEST
  • Enter the password FireSnake25
Frequently asked questions about the GUEST WiFi network

I have connected to GUEST, but I cannot browse the Internet?

Make sure your device is not connected to any VPN application. Check your DNS settings and make sure they are set to Automatic.

Which wireless standard does the GUEST network support?

Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 are supported. For the technically inclined: 802.11n and 802.11ac on both 2.4 and 5ghz radios.

I entered the wireless password, but my device does not connect?

Make sure your device supports WPA2 AES (CCMP) encryption. The GUEST network does not support legacy WPA or TKIP encryption. More information about Wi-Fi security protocols and how to find out what protocol your device is using, visit the MakeUseOf website(opens in a new tab) .


Common connection issues 

User's device as a VPN client running

Please check if you are running a VPN "always on" client. If so, you will need to disable it before connecting to the GUEST wireless network. This includes mobile devices such as Andriod or iOS-based phones - disable all VPN clients of VPN-like applications. 

The user's device has custom DNS servers set 

Please change your DNS servers to automatic. This means they are provided to the device from the GUEST wireless network. ICT does not support custom DNS servers and the GUEST network will block unauthorised DNS connections. 

Please ensure the Wi-Fi regulatory domain of your device 

The Australian and New Zealand regulatory domain is "Z". If your device is purchased from overseas it may not be compatible with region Z. You will need to check that if you have trouble connecting. We have noticed that devices manufactured by Oppo have had this problem previously when connecting to the GUEST wireless network. 

Minimum technology requirements for online tools
Check that your computer meets the minimum system requirements.   

  • To access our Student Hub you will need a PC or Mac with internet connection and a supported browser(opens in a new tab) , such as up-to-date versions of Chrome, Safari. Firefox or Edge
  • iPads and Chromebooks are not compatible with Blackboard software.
  • For certain Blackboard functions (e.g. participating in a lecture using Collaborate), you may require speakers and a microphone. Your computer may have these built in, or you can use a headset.
  • There are mobile apps for Blackboard and Collaborate, however, participating online can be difficult via the app, so we suggest that you use a recommended web browser. You can use a range of hardware (e.g. phone, tablet or computer) as long as the browser requirements are met.

If you don't have access to a computer that meets the minimum requirements, there are computers available for students to use at any of our campus libraries.