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Our Carlisle campus is a purpose-built facility for Refrigeration and Airconditioning  training and automotive refinishing. This specialised campus is unique to the state, being the only Refrigeration and Air-conditioning specialist training centre in Western Australia.

Specialised training equipment includes an operational full supermarket refrigeration system, an industrial ammonia liquid recirculation plant, cool rooms, freezer rooms, beverage dispensers, post mix dispensers, air conditioning chillers, split air conditioners and various class sets of refrigeration training units of varying sophistication and complexity. It is also home to automotive 

Being the premier centre for refrigeration and air conditioning training in WA, we have a formal arrangement in place with Brisbane based Innotech Controls. We deliver training utilising state-of-the-art building automation, supplied by this leading Australian controls manufacturer. 

In 2022 the Premier launched a new automotive spray-painting centre at Carlisle with state-of-the-art large spray-painting booths at Carlisle that meet industry standards and Australian requirements. Upgrades and additions have also been made to the TAFE's extraction systems, including installation of a new filter wall, new breathing apparatuses and new hose reels. 

This campus is also home to our Adult Migrant English Program. For more information visit the AMEP page.


Carlisle campus features a library for the use of students on campus.

The library provides:

  • A large and diverse resource collection of books, magazines and DVDs, both physical and online
  • Assistance with researching for information and answers to reference enquiries
  • Information sessions on library and information services, supported with published and online information guides
  • Assistance with study, referencing and learning skills
  • Networked and wireless computer areas
  • Access to electronic information such as internet and databases

A Block

Opening hours
Mondays to Fridays - 8am to 4pm

Visit the library website 

Open daily during term.

Monday – Friday 
7am - 3pm
(Subject to change during term breaks)

Vending machines and microwaves are provided for evening and Saturday food options.

Smart Travel
The Carlisle campus is located within a densely populated residential suburb and student parking is not available on site. We recommend all visitors to campus take advantage of our Smart Travel information to ease congestion on and around our campuses.

Public transport
Carlisle campus enjoys easy access to the Oats Street Bus/Train Interchange on the Armadale railway line connecting to train and further bus services such as the Circle Bus route. Visit Transperth's Journey Planner, using South Metropolitan TAFE Carlisle campus as a landmark, to plan your trip or collect a timetable from the Customer Service Centre on campus.

The adjoining car park comes under the jurisdiction of the Town of Victoria Park parking by-laws. Rates and times for Council paid parking vary and you should consult the signage or Council website for further information. Please be aware that the Town of Victoria Park closely monitors parking around the campus and issue fines for vehicles that are illegally parked. If a fine is issued, we cannot have it withdrawn.

Students are not permitted to park their vehicles within the campus grounds or in nominated areas set aside for staff and visitors. 

Parking for the neighbouring Aqualife facility is only able to be used by its pool and gym customers. Restrictions also apply for parking on street verges. When parking, please consider local residents and other road users. 

Students enjoy free WiFi at all SM TAFE campuses. 

Visit the Wi-Fi and technical requirements page.


Oats Street and Bank Street, Carlisle WA 6101
T: 1800 001 001

Use the map below to zoom in to see the location of Carlisle campus.



Corner of Oats Street and Bank Street
Carlisle WA 6101

Courses at Carlisle campus 


    Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology

    National ID AUR32120 | State ID BFY1

    Learn the skills and knowledge to work in vehicle body repair. Learn how to replace panels and fittings and repair dents using cutting and welding techniques.

    • Carlisle

    Study Modes
    • Apprenticeship

    Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology

    National ID AUR30320 | State ID BFZ9

    Gain the skills to prepare you for a career in the automotive electrical industry. Learn how to diagnose and repair cars safely.

    • Carlisle

    Study Modes
    • Apprenticeship

    Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology

    National ID AUR32420 | State ID BGA9

    Gain the skills and knowledge to work in the vehicle body repair industry. Prepare surfaces for refinishing, and learn how to apply and restore exterior paint.

    • Carlisle

    Study Modes
    • Apprenticeship

    Course in EAL

    National ID 22637VIC | State ID BGV58

    When you finish the course in EAL you will be able to use English everyday.

    You will learn:

    • simple instructions and conversations
    • reading and writing simple documents
    • to understand the news
    • to explore local amenities.

    You will be enrolled in...

    • Murdoch
    • Armadale
    • Carlisle
    • Thornlie
    • Mandurah

    Study Modes
    • On Campus

    Certificate I in EAL (Access)

    National ID 22638VIC | State ID BGV63

    Improve your English skills with this course.

    For almost everything you do in Australia, you need to understand, speak, read and write English. If you have done your ESL entry course, or have picked up some English along the way, and want to build on it, this course will help towards...

    • Mandurah
    • Rockingham
    • Murdoch
    • Armadale
    • Carlisle
    • Thornlie

    Study Modes
    • On Campus

    Certificate II in EAL (Access)

    National ID 22639VIC | State ID BGV48

    When you finish the Certificate II in EAL (Access) you will be able to use English every day with confidence.

    Gain these skills:
    • take part in informal conversations
    • read and write informative advice
    • understand and respond to written and spoken information
    • ...
    • Thornlie
    • Armadale
    • Carlisle
    • Murdoch
    • Mandurah
    • Rockingham

    Study Modes
    • On Campus

    Certificate III in EAL (Access)

    National ID 22640VIC | State ID BGV49

    When you finish the Certificate III in EAL (Access) you will be able to use English every day with confidence.

    You will learn to:
    • take part in informal conversations
    • read and write
    • understand and respond to written and spoken information
    • understand the...
    • Thornlie
    • Murdoch
    • Armadale
    • Carlisle
    • Mandurah
    • Rockingham

    Study Modes
    • On Campus

    Certificate IV in EAL (Access)

    National ID 22641VIC | State ID BGV47

    When you finish  Certificate IV in EAL (Access) you will have the skills to become confident in English communication and writing,  to enable you to access more community, work and study options. 

    Gain these skills:
    • develop complex English language...
    • Thornlie
    • Murdoch
    • Carlisle
    • Armadale

    Study Modes
    • On Campus

    Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)

    National ID 22646VIC | State ID BGV62

    Do you speak another language at home (not English)? The Certificate IV in EAL (English as an Additional Language)  - Further Study will prepare you for a wide range of study including Diploma and university (Murdoch University).

    This course meets appropriate entry requirements...

    • Thornlie
    • Carlisle

    Study Modes
    • On Campus

    Certificate IV in Engineering (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning)

    National ID MEM40119 | State ID AD18

    Prepare for work with today’s computer controlled HVAC systems. Fully install commission and optimise a VAV-AHU (using the BMS).

    • Carlisle

    Study Modes
    • On Campus