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Naval Base

Opened in 2019, Naval Base campus is a purpose-built facility designed to provide students and apprentices with hands-on experience in a real-life industry setting. This campus houses the delivery of heavy fabrication, marine fabrication, welding and composite apprenticeship training with a large focus on Western Australia’s growing shipbuilding industry.  

The workshops at Naval Base campus have been designed specifically with training in mind. The campus features a state-of-the-art fabrication workshop consisting of 45 welding bays which have been constructed and equipped for multi-use, as well as a machine shop, electrical workshop and supporting classrooms.  



Students at our Naval Base campus can access SM TAFE’s library services remotely. 

Access the Naval Base online library 

Access the Engineering and Mining online library

Visit the library website 

The library provides:

  • A large and diverse resource collection of books, magazines and DVDs, both physical and online
  • Assistance with researching for information and answers to reference enquiries
  • Information sessions on library and information services, supported with published and online information guides
  • Assistance with study, referencing and learning skills
  • Networked and wireless computer areas
  • Access to electronic information such as internet and databases

There is no cafeteria on campus but a student lunch room provides heating facilities and hot water and an outdoor area provides a place for students to relax. A lunch bar is a short walk away or more substantial options require driving.

Vending machines are available on site for drinks and snacks.

Smart Travel
We recommend all visitors to campuses take advantage of our Smart Travel information to ease congestion on and around our campuses.

Naval Base campus has parking available for students surrounding the campus buildings, accessible via Hope Valley Road. 

Public transport
Naval Base campus is accessible via bus stops on Stock Road, a three-minute walk from campus. Visit Transperth's Journey Planner, using Naval Base campus as a landmark to plan your trip.

Students enjoy free WiFi at all SM TAFE campuses.

Visit the Wi-Fi and technical requirements page.


41 Hope Valley Road, Naval Base WA 6165
T: 1800 001 001

Use the map below to zoom in to see the location of Naval Base campus.

Naval Base


41 Hope Valley Road
Naval Base WA 6165

Courses at Naval Base campus 


    Certificate III in Engineering - Composites Trade

    National ID MEM31119 | State ID BEK4

    Become a tradesperson working with composites within the metal, engineering, manufacturing and associated industries.

    • Naval Base

    Study Modes
    • Apprenticeship

    Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Boilermaking/welding)

    National ID MEM31922 | State ID AE16

    Are you looking for a career making and fixing all things mechanical?

    When you complete the Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Boilermaking/Welding) you'll be looking at a trades career as a boilermaker, welder, or fabricator in industries such as mining or construction....

    • Naval Base
    • Rockingham
    • Thornlie

    Study Modes
    • Apprenticeship

    Certificate III in Marine Craft Construction

    National ID MEM30719 | State ID BEJ7

    Become a tradesperson working in the exciting marine craft construction industry.

    • Naval Base

    Study Modes
    • Apprenticeship