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Language, Literacy and Numeracy support

We offer a number of services at our SM TAFE campuses to help you with your reading, writing, maths and/or computer skills. 

Increased skills in language, literacy and numeracy will help set you up for further study and improved results in the workplace or your next job.

Skills for Study

Skills for study offers in-class support for students. This support involves a literacy or numeracy lecturer team-teaching with the vocational lecturer to assist all students with the learning process.

The role of the Skills for Study lecturer is to identify and respond to students’ needs by providing literacy and numeracy support to prepare them for assessment activities or to perform industry tasks.

Support is organised by the lecturer of a course when additional literacy and numeracy support is required. The support is available to the whole class. You may see the Skills for Study units on your enrolment confirmation.

Read Write Now

Get free help with reading, writing, maths, study or basic computer skills. Adults looking for assistance can get free one-on-one help from volunteer tutors.

You will be matched with a local tutor who will create lessons to assist with your study or everyday life tasks.

Call 1800 018 802 to begin or visit the Read Write Now website.


If you would like a pathway into vocational training or you would like to improve your academic skills, you can apply for a General Education for Adults (CGEA) course.

Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)

AMEP is a free service to help eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants improve their English language skills and settle into life in Australia.

The AMEP program delivers EAL courses up to Certificate III level.

Free childcare is also available through the program.


If your first language isn’t English, improve your reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar by completing one of our English as an Additional Language (EAL) courses.

These are fee paying courses, except if you are an AMEP eligible migrant (up to Certificate III in EAL).

Language, Literacy and Numeracy testing

You may be asked to sit a BKSB (basic key skills builder) test for certain courses, or when applying for VET Student Loan. 

This is a test that provides an overview of your learning strengths and determines your reading and numeracy competence.  See our Literacy and numeracy requirements page more information about:

  • how to book a BKSB test,
  • preparing for the test,
  • logging into BKSB, and
  • how to sit the test.

If you need help preparing for the BKSB tes, you may be able to complete the skill set that is sometimes offered for this purpose:


Digital Literacy

Our Digital Literacy Skill Set provides the skills and knowledge required to utilise computers, the internet and other digital devices. It is suitable for individuals with limited computer skills and experience with digital technologies.

More info

To see all the courses designed for those who did not gain a qualification from high school or never had the opportunity to finish year 12, see our English, Languages and Foundation Studies page to start the application process, or contact our Student Success team...

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