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SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality

SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality

National ID SIT40422 State ID BHW3
Work as a team leader in a restaurant or bar

Gain job-ready skills to become a hospitality supervisor such as a food and beverage manager, duty manager or concierge.

At SM TAFE, students can learn in real-world settings of live training restaurants on campus, providing opportunities to serve members of the public and develop leadership skills.

Image of hospitality manager

This course is low fee* for residents of Western Australia and temporary residents holding certain visa types. An annual fee cap of $400 for those aged 15-24 or concession holders or $1,200 for everyone else, applies to this course. Some eligibility conditions apply for the low fee training and other fees may apply for some courses. Please refer to the FAQs for more information. 

*Please note that eligibility requirements apply to some of the low fee training. 


Where Bentley | Mandurah

When Semester 2, 2024 | Continuous enrolment | Semester 1, 2025 | Semester 2, 2025

How On Campus | Traineeship

Do you want to work in a supervisory role in the exciting world of restaurants, bars and hotels? Whether you have a dream to be employed on local shores in Australia's buzzing hospitality industry, or have your sights set on a career adventure overseas, this course is your first step to starting your journey as a team leader.  

Your employment options will be diverse; you might picture yourself overseeing operations at a seafood restaurant here in WA, managing a coffee shop on the coastline of Italy, or being a concierge at a hotel and welcoming guests from around the world.

Be guided from our expert team of lecturers who are hospitality industry specialists, as you learn supervisory  skills to start developing your individual leadership style. Be trained in financial management, monitoring the work of the team, managing workplace conflict and coming up with innovative solutions to problems. 
You'll also build strong fundamental skills in hospitality service which will be a basis for overseeing the operations of your area, along with knowledge on how to build rapport with customers and enhance their experience. 

The hospitality, tourism and events industries are the world's largest employers and this course will give you a supervisory qualification to work in settings such as restaurants, hotels, cafes, nightclubs, pubs and in gaming. You'll be job ready for roles such as Bar Supervisor, Food and Beverage Manager, Duty Manager and Concierge.
Advance your career options and become a skilled operator in a supervisory role in hospitality.

Study in specialised facilities

Learn in the real-life setting of our award-winning Bentley Pines Training Restaurant. which provides a live, interactive training environment at Bentley campus. Students can gain hands-on experience serving and preparing food for members of the public, as well as showcasing their skills planning a menu and advertising special events to the community. To discover more about student events and creations, visit Bentley Pines Training Restaurant on Facebook.

The purpose-built training facility Saltbush Training Restaurant at Mandurah campus opened in early 2023. The restaurant is part of the Mandurah Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre which delivers simulated training in commercial cookery, tourism and event management, providing a real-world setting for students to learn in. The opening of Saltbush Training Restaurant marks an exciting new chapter for cookery and hospitality training in the Mandurah and Peel region! To learn more, visit Saltbush Training Restaurant on Facebook.


  • responsible service of alcohol
  • financial management
  • enhanced customer service
  • manage workplace conflict
  • workplace health and safety

In order to make an informed choice about the suitability of this course, you must take into account the essential skills and knowledge required to undertake this study.

  • be able to multi-task
  • be customer focused, enthusiastic and energetic
  • have good attention to detail
  • be positive and able to work under pressure
  • be reliable and flexible and have a strong work ethic

Important information

Select your preferred campus and apply

All year round


Duration 2 Years
When All year round
How Traineeship

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


National ID Unit title
SITHIND008 Work effectively in hospitality service
SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences
SITXCOM010 Manage conflict
SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget
SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
SITXHRM008 Roster staff
SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people
SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations
SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
National ID Unit title
BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents
SITEEVT023 Plan in-house events
SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol
SITHFAB023 Operate a bar
SITHFAB025 Prepare and serve espresso coffee
SITHFAB027 Serve food and beverage
SITHFAB029 Conduct a product tasting for alcoholic beverages
SITHFAB030 Prepare and serve cocktails
SITHFAB031 Provide advice on beers, spirits and liqueurs
SITHFAB034 Provide table service of food and beverage
SITXFIN007 Process financial transactions
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety

Semester 1, 2025


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 1, 2025
Where Bentley
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills $48.60 $14.40 $27.00
SITXCOM010 Manage conflict $32.40 $9.60 $27.00
SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences $97.20 $28.80 $27.00
SITHIND008 Work effectively in hospitality service $32.40 $9.60 $27.00


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Use hygienic practices for food safety
$24.30 $7.20 $27.00
Process financial transactions
$56.70 $16.80 $27.00
Source and use information on the hospitality industry
$24.30 $7.20 $27.00
Prepare and serve cocktails
$32.40 $9.60 $88.50
Serve food and beverage
$226.80 $67.20 $175.50
Prepare and serve espresso coffee
$64.80 $19.20 $90.75
Operate a bar
$48.60 $14.40 $62.00
Provide responsible service of alcohol
$32.40 $9.60 $31.25
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $720.90 $637.00 $1,357.90
Concession $213.60 $637.00 $850.60

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices $48.60 $14.40 $27.00
SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations $64.80 $19.20 $27.00
SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people $97.20 $28.80 $27.00
SITXHRM008 Roster staff $81.00 $24.00 $27.00
SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget $48.60 $14.40 $26.50


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Plan in-house events
$64.80 $19.20 $27.00
Provide table service of food and beverage
$243.00 $72.00 $72.50
Provide advice on beers, spirits and liqueurs
$56.70 $16.80 $63.00
Conduct a product tasting for alcoholic beverages
$64.80 $19.20 $74.75
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $769.50 $371.75 $1,141.25
Concession $228.00 $371.75 $599.75

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 1, 2025
Where Mandurah
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITHIND008 Work effectively in hospitality service $32.40 $9.60 $26.25
SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences $97.20 $28.80 $26.25
SITXCOM010 Manage conflict $32.40 $9.60 $26.25
SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills $48.60 $14.40 $26.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide responsible service of alcohol
$32.40 $9.60 $30.50
Operate a bar
$48.60 $14.40 $60.25
Prepare and serve espresso coffee
$64.80 $19.20 $88.25
Serve food and beverage
$226.80 $67.20 $170.75
Prepare and serve cocktails
$32.40 $9.60 $86.00
Source and use information on the hospitality industry
$24.30 $7.20 $26.25
Process financial transactions
$56.70 $16.80 $26.25
Use hygienic practices for food safety
$24.30 $7.20 $26.25
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $720.90 $619.50 $1,340.40
Concession $213.60 $619.50 $833.10

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget $48.60 $14.40 $0.00
SITXHRM008 Roster staff $81.00 $24.00 $0.00
SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people $97.20 $28.80 $0.00
SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations $64.80 $19.20 $0.00
SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices $48.60 $14.40 $0.00


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Plan in-house events
$64.80 $19.20 $0.00
Conduct a product tasting for alcoholic beverages
$64.80 $19.20 $0.00
Provide advice on beers, spirits and liqueurs
$56.70 $16.80 $0.00
Provide table service of food and beverage
$243.00 $72.00 $0.00
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $769.50 $0.00 $769.50
Concession $228.00 $0.00 $228.00

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

Semester 2, 2025


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2025
Where Bentley
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITHIND008 Work effectively in hospitality service $32.40 $9.60 $27.00
SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences $97.20 $28.80 $27.00
SITXCOM010 Manage conflict $32.40 $9.60 $27.00
SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills $48.60 $14.40 $27.00


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide responsible service of alcohol
$32.40 $9.60 $31.25
Operate a bar
$48.60 $14.40 $62.00
Prepare and serve espresso coffee
$64.80 $19.20 $90.75
Serve food and beverage
$226.80 $67.20 $175.50
Prepare and serve cocktails
$32.40 $9.60 $88.50
Source and use information on the hospitality industry
$24.30 $7.20 $27.00
Process financial transactions
$56.70 $16.80 $27.00
Use hygienic practices for food safety
$24.30 $7.20 $27.00
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $720.90 $637.00 $1,357.90
Concession $213.60 $637.00 $850.60

Semester 1, 2026


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget $48.60 $14.40 $26.50
SITXHRM008 Roster staff $81.00 $24.00 $27.00
SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people $97.20 $28.80 $27.00
SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations $64.80 $19.20 $27.00
SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices $48.60 $14.40 $27.00


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Plan in-house events
$64.80 $19.20 $27.00
Conduct a product tasting for alcoholic beverages
$64.80 $19.20 $74.75
Provide advice on beers, spirits and liqueurs
$56.70 $16.80 $63.00
Provide table service of food and beverage
$243.00 $72.00 $72.50
Semester 1, 2026 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $769.50 $371.75 $1,141.25
Concession $228.00 $371.75 $599.75

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

Semester 2, 2024


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2024
Where Bentley
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2024


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITHIND008 Work effectively in hospitality service $32.40 $9.60 $26.25
SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences $97.20 $28.80 $26.25
SITXCOM010 Manage conflict $32.40 $9.60 $26.25
SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills $48.60 $14.40 $26.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Design and produce business documents
$113.40 $33.60 $37.75
Provide responsible service of alcohol
$32.40 $9.60 $30.50
Operate a bar
$48.60 $14.40 $60.25
Prepare and serve espresso coffee
$64.80 $19.20 $88.25
Serve food and beverage
$226.80 $67.20 $170.75
Prepare and serve cocktails
$32.40 $9.60 $86.00
Process financial transactions
$56.70 $16.80 $26.25
Use hygienic practices for food safety
$24.30 $7.20 $26.25
Semester 2, 2024 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $810.00 $631.00 $1,441.00
Concession $240.00 $631.00 $871.00

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget $48.60 $14.40 $25.75
SITXHRM008 Roster staff $81.00 $24.00 $26.25
SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people $97.20 $28.80 $26.25
SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations $64.80 $19.20 $26.25
SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices $48.60 $14.40 $26.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Plan in-house events
$64.80 $19.20 $26.25
Conduct a product tasting for alcoholic beverages
$64.80 $19.20 $72.75
Provide advice on beers, spirits and liqueurs
$56.70 $16.80 $61.25
Provide table service of food and beverage
$243.00 $72.00 $70.50
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $769.50 $361.50 $1,131.00
Concession $228.00 $361.50 $589.50

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

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