Payment plans allow you to pay for course fees as you study, making studying towards your career goals more affordable.
To start a payment plan, you will need to complete our payment plan form, including nominating a bank account and having the bank account owner sign the form. The signature is very important, without it we cannot start a payment plan for you.
Your payment plan will not be activated until you have spoken to a member of our staff and paid a minimum deposit towards your course fees.
How to complete the form
Before you begin, you should be ready to download the file to a computer or your preferred device.
- If you have Adobe Acrobat DC or Pro (opens in a new tab) installed on your computer or device, you can use our form to type in the fields, save the edits into the file, and add a digital signature before emailing back to us for processing.
Avoid using Apple Preview (desktop app) on a Mac computer or Gmail's docHub to fill out the PDF form as this can corrupt the file and cause delays in processing your enrolment.
Please use the Acrobat Reader mobile app for iOS or Android; or use the desktop version of Acrobat Reader DC on a Mac or Windows computer to fill out the PDF form.
- If you do not have the software, please print the document, hand write your edits into the appropriate fields and sign the form, before scanning or taking a photo of the form, and then emailing back to us for processing.
- If you do not have access to a computer or printer, please visit our campus libraries, where you can access computers, printers and internet.
Download Payment Plan Form (271 KB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab)
How to return the form
Upload the form to the 'Get ready to enrol' webform or email (please include your full name and TAS number in the subject line) your completed form to If you have questions about the form or about how payment plans work, please contact us on 1800 001 001.
When we receive the form, we will check your offer and enrolment quote and begin formulating the payment schedule. We will contact you to process your deposit, and will confirm with you the payment totals and dates for your payment plan.