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ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services

ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services

National ID ACM30122 State ID BHV0
Working in animal care, not qualified?

Gain skills to work in the animal care industry, such as dog daycare, boarding, rescue shelters, pet sitting, dog walking, and breeding establishments.

SM TAFE has a fully working veterinary clinic at the Bentley campus, and a pet grooming clinic at the Murdoch campus. 

Image of a dog on a grooming bench having its toe nails trimmed


Where Murdoch | Bentley

When Semester 2, 2024 | Semester 2, 2025 | Semester 1, 2025

How On Campus

Do you love animals and want to follow your calling to work with cats, canines and all creatures? If your dream is to work day-to-day with animals, this course will give you job ready skills to be employed in a broad range of roles in the animal care industry, including dog daycare, boarding, rescue shelters, pet sitting, dog walking, breeding establishments and other animal businesses.

Learn from our expert team of lecturers who are specialists in animal care and passionate about teaching and maintaining the highest standards of health, feeding and welfare for animals. You’ll gain skills in interacting safely, providing animal first-aid, as well as walking and bathing dogs. Build your knowledge of how to provide care to a wide range of animal species including dogs, rodents, rabbits, birds, fish, and reptiles.

This course is ideal if you wish to begin working in animal care, and if you’re already employed or volunteering in the industry, the course will give you a formal qualification to further develop your skillset and help advance further in your current workplace.

Turn your passion into your profession and start your career in animal care with this entry-level course.

Study in specialist facilities

SM TAFE is the only TAFE to offer a live veterinary clinic based at our Bentley campus, open to the general public, staff and students to make bookings for consults and surgeries. Students gain on-the-job skills in animal care with a range of species including dogs, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, lizards, fish, along with an aviary housing various birdlife. The clinic allows the development of skills in a safe and supported environment.

The Murdoch campus has a dedicated pet grooming clinic where students can develop hands-on animal care skills in a real-world setting.


  • identify animal behaviours
  • interact safely with animals
  • assess the welfare status of animals
  • comply with infection control policies/procedures
  • provide animal first aid
  • walk and exercise dogs
  • bath, dry and brush dogs
  • provide general care for dogs, rodents, rabbits, birds, fish, and reptiles

In order to make an informed choice about the suitability of this course, you must take into account the essential skills and knowledge required to undertake this training.

  • good time management and the ability to work with tight deadlines
  • ability to strictly follow workplace safety standards
  • an eye for detail and a creative flair
  • critical thinking skills
  • good communication skills

Important information

Select your preferred campus and apply

Semester 1, 2025


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 1, 2025
Where Bentley
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work $195.20 $58.80 $45.75
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $292.80 $88.20 $51.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Walk and exercise dogs
$170.80 $51.45 $43.50
Bath, dry and brush domestic dogs
$195.20 $58.80 $54.50
Provide general care of domestic dogs
$97.60 $29.40 $43.50
Provide general care of fish
$170.80 $51.45 $38.00
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,659.20 $331.00 $1,990.20
Concession $499.80 $331.00 $830.80

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMGEN304 Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care workplaces $170.80 $51.45 $27.25
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid $170.80 $51.45 $43.50
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members $122.00 $36.75 $11.00


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide enrichment for animals
$292.80 $88.20 $54.50
Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing
$390.40 $117.60 $43.50
Provide nutritional requirements for animals
$317.20 $95.55 $43.50
Provide general care of birds
$97.60 $29.40 $38.00
Provide general care of non-venomous reptiles
$97.60 $29.40 $38.00
Provide general care of rodents or rabbits
$97.60 $29.40 $48.75
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,756.80 $348.00 $2,104.80
Concession $529.20 $348.00 $877.20

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 1, 2025
Where Murdoch
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN304 Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care workplaces $170.80 $51.45 $27.25
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members $122.00 $36.75 $11.00
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $292.80 $88.20 $51.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Complete animal care hygiene routines
$317.20 $95.55 $43.50
Source and provide information for animal care needs
$170.80 $51.45 $27.25
Walk and exercise dogs
$170.80 $51.45 $43.50
Provide general care of domestic dogs
$97.60 $29.40 $43.50
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,878.80 $301.75 $2,180.55
Concession $565.95 $301.75 $867.70

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid $170.80 $51.45 $43.50
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work $195.20 $58.80 $45.75


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide enrichment for animals
$292.80 $88.20 $54.50
Condition animal behaviour
$292.80 $88.20 $57.00
Provide advice on companion animal selection and general care
$317.20 $95.55 $27.25
Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing
$390.40 $117.60 $43.50
Provide nutritional requirements for animals
$317.20 $95.55 $43.50
Provide general care of fish
$170.80 $51.45 $38.00
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $2,147.20 $353.00 $2,500.20
Concession $646.80 $353.00 $999.80

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

Semester 2, 2025


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2025
Where Murdoch
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN304 Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care workplaces $170.80 $51.45 $27.25
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members $122.00 $36.75 $11.00
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $292.80 $88.20 $51.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Complete animal care hygiene routines
$317.20 $95.55 $43.50
Source and provide information for animal care needs
$170.80 $51.45 $27.25
Walk and exercise dogs
$170.80 $51.45 $43.50
Provide general care of domestic dogs
$97.60 $29.40 $43.50
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,878.80 $301.75 $2,180.55
Concession $565.95 $301.75 $867.70

Semester 1, 2026


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid $170.80 $51.45 $43.50
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work $195.20 $58.80 $45.75


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide enrichment for animals
$292.80 $88.20 $54.50
Condition animal behaviour
$292.80 $88.20 $57.00
Provide advice on companion animal selection and general care
$317.20 $95.55 $27.25
Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing
$390.40 $117.60 $43.50
Provide nutritional requirements for animals
$317.20 $95.55 $43.50
Provide general care of fish
$170.80 $51.45 $38.00
Semester 1, 2026 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $2,147.20 $353.00 $2,500.20
Concession $646.80 $353.00 $999.80

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2025
Where Bentley
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work $195.20 $58.80 $45.75
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $292.80 $88.20 $51.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Walk and exercise dogs
$170.80 $51.45 $43.50
Bath, dry and brush domestic dogs
$195.20 $58.80 $54.50
Provide general care of domestic dogs
$97.60 $29.40 $43.50
Provide general care of fish
$170.80 $51.45 $38.00
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,659.20 $331.00 $1,990.20
Concession $499.80 $331.00 $830.80

Semester 1, 2026


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMGEN304 Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care workplaces $170.80 $51.45 $27.25
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid $170.80 $51.45 $43.50
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members $122.00 $36.75 $11.00


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide enrichment for animals
$292.80 $88.20 $54.50
Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing
$390.40 $117.60 $43.50
Provide nutritional requirements for animals
$317.20 $95.55 $43.50
Provide general care of birds
$97.60 $29.40 $38.00
Provide general care of non-venomous reptiles
$97.60 $29.40 $38.00
Provide general care of rodents or rabbits
$97.60 $29.40 $48.75
Semester 1, 2026 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,756.80 $348.00 $2,104.80
Concession $529.20 $348.00 $877.20

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2025
Where Bentley
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal $268.40 $80.85 $27.25
ACMGEN304 Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care workplaces $170.80 $51.45 $27.25
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid $170.80 $51.45 $43.50
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members $122.00 $36.75 $11.00
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work $195.20 $58.80 $45.75
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $292.80 $88.20 $51.25


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide enrichment for animals
$292.80 $88.20 $54.50
Source and provide information for animal care needs
$170.80 $51.45 $27.25
Walk and exercise dogs
$170.80 $51.45 $43.50
Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing
$390.40 $117.60 $43.50
Bath, dry and brush domestic dogs
$195.20 $58.80 $54.50
Provide general care of birds
$97.60 $29.40 $38.00
Provide general care of domestic dogs
$97.60 $29.40 $43.50
Provide general care of domestic cats
$97.60 $29.40 $34.25
Provide general care of non-venomous reptiles
$97.60 $29.40 $38.00
Provide general care of rodents or rabbits
$97.60 $29.40 $48.75
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $3,196.40 $659.00 $3,855.40
Concession $962.85 $659.00 $1,621.85

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

Semester 2, 2024


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2024
Where Murdoch
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2024


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals $268.40 $80.85 $26.50
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal $268.40 $80.85 $26.50
ACMGEN304 Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care workplaces $170.80 $51.45 $26.50
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members $122.00 $36.75 $10.75
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $292.80 $88.20 $49.75


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Complete animal care hygiene routines
$317.20 $95.55 $42.25
Source and provide information for animal care needs
$170.80 $51.45 $26.50
Walk and exercise dogs
$170.80 $51.45 $42.25
Provide general care of domestic dogs
$97.60 $29.40 $42.25
Semester 2, 2024 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,878.80 $293.25 $2,172.05
Concession $565.95 $293.25 $859.20

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid $170.80 $51.45 $42.25
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work $195.20 $58.80 $44.50


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide enrichment for animals
$292.80 $88.20 $53.00
Condition animal behaviour
$292.80 $88.20 $55.50
Provide advice on companion animal selection and general care
$317.20 $95.55 $26.50
Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing
$390.40 $117.60 $42.25
Provide nutritional requirements for animals
$317.20 $95.55 $42.25
Provide general care of fish
$170.80 $51.45 $37.00
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $2,147.20 $343.25 $2,490.45
Concession $646.80 $343.25 $990.05

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2024
Where Bentley
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2024


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals $268.40 $80.85 $26.50
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal $268.40 $80.85 $26.50
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work $195.20 $58.80 $44.50
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $292.80 $88.20 $49.75


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Walk and exercise dogs
$170.80 $51.45 $42.25
Bath, dry and brush domestic dogs
$195.20 $58.80 $53.00
Provide general care of domestic dogs
$97.60 $29.40 $42.25
Provide general care of fish
$170.80 $51.45 $37.00
Semester 2, 2024 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,659.20 $321.75 $1,980.95
Concession $499.80 $321.75 $821.55

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
ACMGEN304 Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care workplaces $170.80 $51.45 $26.50
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid $170.80 $51.45 $42.25
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members $122.00 $36.75 $10.75


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Provide enrichment for animals
$292.80 $88.20 $53.00
Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing
$390.40 $117.60 $42.25
Provide nutritional requirements for animals
$317.20 $95.55 $42.25
Provide general care of birds
$97.60 $29.40 $37.00
Provide general care of non-venomous reptiles
$97.60 $29.40 $37.00
Provide general care of rodents or rabbits
$97.60 $29.40 $47.50
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $1,756.80 $338.50 $2,095.30
Concession $529.20 $338.50 $867.70

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

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