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SFI30119 Certificate III in Aquaculture

SFI30119 Certificate III in Aquaculture

National ID SFI30119 State ID BEI5
Expand your knowledge and skills in aquaculture

Gain further skills in aquaculture while also having the opportunity to upskill with boating or diving skills and maritime safety.

Study in extensive salt and freshwater aquaculture facilities at Fremantle Campus, providing practical hands-on training and industry-relevant skills.

Image of student testing aquaculture water in beakers


Where Fremantle

When Semester 1, 2025 | Semester 2, 2024

How On Campus

This course is ideal for those looking to expand on the skills and knowledge they gained in Certificate II in Aquaculture. It also comes packed with opportunities to upskill with either boating or diving skills. While a solid foundation in aquatic science is essential, the aquaculture sector prefers to hire staff with additional boating and/or diving qualifications.

This course will include the maritime safety course Elements of Shipboard Safety (ESS). 

Specialist facilities in the maritime heart of Fremantle

Our Fremantle campus features a working aquaculture facility with hatchery tanks and filtration systems and is within convenient walking distance to the fishing industry in Fremantle. Our lecturers have a strong relationship with the Australian Centre for Applied Aquaculture Research (ACAAR) in the neighbouring facility.


  • care for and maintain fish stocks, culture and holding environments 
  • installing or constructing stock culture or holding structures and other allied structures
  • assessing and controlling biosecurity and stock health and treating aquatic stock for diseases
  • monitoring and maintaining water quality
  • co-ordinating feeding activities, handling and harvesting operations for aquatic stock
  • operating high technology water treatment components
  • implementing emergency procedures, occupational health and safety policies and guidelines
In order to make an informed choice about the suitability of this course, you must take into account the essential skills and knowledge required to undertake this study. 
  • good time management
  • ability to strictly follow workplace safety standards
  • a keen eye for detail
  • critical thinking skills
  • good communication skills
  • a strong interest in fish, marine life and aquaculture

Important information

Select your preferred campus and apply

Semester 1, 2025


Duration 1 Semester
When Semester 1, 2025
Where Fremantle
How On Campus

Units and fees


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SFIBIO301 Identify and report signs of aquatic disease or pests $81.25 $24.25 $44.50
SFIWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $81.25 $24.25 $22.25
SFIXSI201 Work effectively in the seafood industry $97.50 $29.10 $67.75


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Collect and preserve biological samples
$113.75 $33.95 $54.75
Apply sampling procedures
$65.00 $19.40 $71.00
Provide First Aid
$58.50 $17.46 $95.50
Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment
$81.25 $24.25 $166.75
Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel
$81.25 $24.25 $166.75
Meet work health and safety requirements
$39.00 $11.64 $16.75
Survive at sea using survival craft
$48.75 $14.55 $166.75
Construct or install stock culture, holding and farm structures
$97.50 $29.10 $58.00
Monitor stock handling activities
$97.50 $29.10 $71.00
Maintain water quality and environmental monitoring
$130.00 $38.80 $172.25
Monitor production and maintain algal or live-feed cultures
$97.50 $29.10 $66.75
Monitor feed activities
$81.25 $24.25 $44.50
Apply control measures for diseases
$113.75 $33.95 $64.50

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

Semester 2, 2024


Duration 1 Semester
When Semester 2, 2024
Where Fremantle
How On Campus

Units and fees


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
SFIBIO301 Identify and report signs of aquatic disease or pests $81.25 $24.25 $44.50
SFIWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes $81.25 $24.25 $22.25
SFIXSI201 Work effectively in the seafood industry $97.50 $29.10 $67.75


National ID Unit title General fee Concession Resource fee
Collect and preserve biological samples
$113.75 $33.95 $54.75
Apply sampling procedures
$65.00 $19.40 $71.00
Provide First Aid
$58.50 $17.46 $95.50
Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment
$81.25 $24.25 $166.75
Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel
$81.25 $24.25 $166.75
Meet work health and safety requirements
$39.00 $11.64 $16.75
Survive at sea using survival craft
$48.75 $14.55 $166.75
Monitor stock handling activities
$97.50 $29.10 $71.00
Maintain water quality and environmental monitoring
$130.00 $38.80 $172.25
Monitor production and maintain algal or live-feed cultures
$97.50 $29.10 $66.75
Support hatchery operations
$146.25 $43.65 $116.75
Monitor feed activities
$81.25 $24.25 $44.50
Apply control measures for diseases
$113.75 $33.95 $64.50

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

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