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AUR32420 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology

AUR32420 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology

National ID AUR32420 State ID BGA9
Rev up your passion for vehicle body repair

This course covers industry-relevant skills and knowledge for a career in the vehicle body repair industry.  Get the hands-on experience to prepare surfaces for refinishing and apply and restore exterior paint. 

Learn in specialised and modern facilities at Carlisle campus, WA's major centre for automotive and panel beating studies. 

AUR32420 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology


Where Carlisle

When Continuous enrolment

How Apprenticeship

Build your career in the vehicle body repair industry

When you complete the Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology you'll be ready for a career in the vehicle body repair industry.

Learn in specialised facilities

South Metro TAFE's Carlisle Campus is WA's major centre for automotive and panel beating studies. Automotive apprentices and pre-apprentices enjoy state of the art facilities, including new vehicles, specialised repair and diagnostic equipment, fully equipped spray painting ovens, specialised workrooms and workshops.


  • apply and restore exterior paint
  • colour matching
  • prepare surfaces for refinishing
  • touch-up techniques
  • repair panels with filler
  • use spray booths
  • rust prevention
  • sound deadening
  • workplace safety and health


In order to make an informed choice about the suitability of this course, you must take into account the essential skills and knowledge required to undertake this study.

  • enjoyment of practical work using manual hand tools
  • an eye for detail and good hand-eye coordination
  • good problem solving skills
  • good vision and hearing
  • good communication skills, including customer service skills

Important information

Select your preferred campus and apply

All year round


When All year round
Where Carlisle
How Apprenticeship

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


National ID Unit title
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace
AURAFA108 Interpret and apply automotive repair instructions
AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
AURVTP002 Mask vehicle panels and components
AURVTP006 Apply refinishing primers to vehicle surfaces
AURVTP019 Prepare and paint plastic and composite vehicle surfaces
AURVTP020 De-nib, buff and polish vehicle painted surfaces
AURVTP101 Remove paint from vehicle painted surfaces
AURVTP103 Prepare vehicle spray painting equipment for use
AURVTP104 Apply basic colour matching techniques using vehicle paint codes
AURVTP110 Prepare and operate vehicle paint drying equipment
AURVTP113 Prepare vehicle substrates for refinishing
AURVTP114 Colour match multi-layer and clear over base two-pack paints on vehicles and components
AURVTP115 Match direct gloss solid paint colour on vehicles or components
AURVTP117 Rectify and touch up vehicle paint faults using clear over base two-pack systems
AURVTP123 Apply clear over base two-pack refinishing materials to vehicle body components
AURVTP124 Apply clear over base multi-layer and pearl refinishing materials to vehicle body components
AURVTP125 Apply water-based refinishing materials to vehicle bodies and substrates
National ID Unit title
AURAFA002 Read and respond to automotive workplace information
AURAMA001 Work effectively with others in an automotive workplace
AURVTA001 Prepare vehicles for customer use
AURVTA003 Inspect vehicle paint, trim and accessories and recommend repair procedures
AURVTN003 Remove and store vehicle body components
AURVTN005 Remove and replace adhesive attached components on vehicles
AURVTN132 Inspect vehicle damage and determine repair procedures
AURVTN135 Apply original equipment manufacturer repair procedures during vehicle repairs
AURVTP107 Touch up minor vehicle paintwork damage
AURVTP111 Apply solid acrylic two-pack materials to vehicle components
AURVTP116 Rectify and touch up vehicle direct gloss paint faults using two-pack systems
AURVTP118 Rectify vehicle multi-layer and pearl paint faults using two-pack systems

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