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SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy

SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy

National ID SHB50121 State ID BHK0
Learn the dermal science behind beauty therapy

This diploma opens graduates to a range of employment opportunities such as working in a dermal therapy or laser skin clinic, spa centres, beauty and skincare clinics, cruise ships or a home-based business.

This qualification is also a pathway to Advanced Dermal Science qualifications.

person having microdermabrasion treatment

This course is a VET Student Loan eligible course. A VET Student Loan creates a debt that must be repaid to the Commonwealth and is only available to students who are eligible.

To find out if you are eligible or to see the list of eligible courses visit our Student Loans page.


Where Murdoch | Mandurah

When Semester 1, 2025 | Semester 2, 2024

How On Campus

This course provides theory training in IPL and LASER units required to work with these modalities in industry. Along with a dermal science and advanced skin care treatment focus.

Be trained by industry specialists in our well-equipped beauty clinic rooms, using a wide range of professional products and technologies, including Dermalogica and Medik8 skin care, and MAC, Crown, Kryolan and LA girl makeup.

At South Metro TAFE your fees are inclusive of all training products and equipment for the entirety of your course. You will receive a take-home makeup brush kit to start you on your makeup journey. Additional purchases include a beauty tunic, textbook and linen for class use.

On completion of this course, you will gain a Laser Safety Officer Certificate. This certificate is recognised by the Radiological Council of Western Australia under the Radiation Safety Act This certificate is a prerequisite for laser licensing in Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania, and is required to gain licensing for use by non-medical practitioners to use laser for cosmetic procedures.


Study in specialist facilities

Gain hands-on experience in our student Hair, Beauty & Massage Student Clinics(opens in a new tab) which offer the chance to operate in a ‘real life’ beauty clinic, hairdressing salon or remedial massage clinic whilst developing your practical skills under the guidance of qualified practitioners and lecturers. Follow the clinics on Facebook(opens in a new tab) for exciting news and updates.

Our Mandurah campus(opens in a new tab) has undergone major re-development with new purpose-built training facilities including simulated hair and beauty training facilities, with a hair salon and dedicated training spaces for beauty and massage therapy.

Want some tips on how to become industry ready for beauty therapy? Read our news story (opens in a new tab) with lecturer Steph Ellison-Judge or watch the video.(opens in a new tab)





  • microdermabrasion
  • skin needling
  • specialised skin peels with Medik8 and Dermalogica
  • IPL and laser safety protocols (laser safety Officer Certificate)
  • facials and specialised facials
  • body massage and aromatherapy massage
  • knowledge of skin structure and function into Beauty Therapy
  • manicure and pedicare
  • waxing
  • lash and brow treatments including lash lifting
  • skills in retail and sales operations
  • reflexology
  • hot stone massage
  • day, evening, photography and catwalk makeup application
  • infection control and safe hygiene

In order to make an informed choice about the suitability of this course, you must take into account the essential skills and knowledge required to undertake this study.

  • be a people's person - friendly and easy to approach with a  love for the beauty industry
  • enjoy practical work and be comfortable with physical contact
  • no significant allergic reactions to cosmetic products, particularly to nuts
  • be well-presented
  • have good communication skills and can relate to people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds
  • be motivated with a high level of responsibility 
  • Basic computer skills are required for this course 
    • able to use email
    • able to navigate the internet using a web browser and search engines
    • able to access TAFE online systems and upload assessment documents

Important information

Select your preferred campus and apply

Semester 1, 2025


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 1, 2025
Where Murdoch
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SHBBSSC001 Incorporate knowledge of skin structure and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75
SHBBSSC002 Incorporate knowledge of body structures and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75
SHBXCCS006 Promote healthy nutritional options in a beauty therapy context $202.65 $21.25
SHBBFAS004 Provide lash and brow services $144.75 $60.50
SHBBFAS005 Provide facial treatments and skin care recommendations $521.10 $412.50
SHBBHRS010 Provide waxing services $521.10 $275.75
SHBBNLS007 Provide manicure and pedicare services $318.45 $121.50
SHBBNLS011 Use electric file equipment for nail services $144.75 $53.00
SHBBRES003 Research and apply beauty industry information $115.80 $27.50
SHBXWHS003 Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices $202.65 $80.50
SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms $260.55 $58.25
SIRXSLS001 Sell to the retail customer $231.60 $37.00


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Provide specialised facial treatments
$521.10 $476.00
Maintain infection control standards
$405.30 $79.25
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $4,226.70 $1,766.50 $5,993.20

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SHBBBOS008 Provide body massages $521.10 $105.75
SHBXCCS005 Maintain health and wellbeing in a personal services setting $202.65 $31.75
SHBXCCS007 Conduct salon financial transactions $144.75 $80.50
SHBXCCS008 Provide salon services to clients $144.75 $80.50
SHBBCCS005 Advise on beauty products and services $144.75 $22.00
SHBBMUP009 Design and apply make-up $231.60 $330.75
SHBXIND003 Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment $231.60 $80.50


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Provide superficial peel treatments
$144.75 $47.50
Provide stone therapy massages
$231.60 $169.25
Provide aromatherapy massages
$405.30 $37.00
Use reflexology relaxation techniques in beauty treatments
$144.75 $42.25
Design and apply make-up for photography
$144.75 $99.25
Provide micro-dermabrasion treatments
$202.65 $165.00
Identify and control safety risks for light-based skin treatments
$173.70 $26.50
Provide skin needling treatments
$405.30 $370.25
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $3,474.00 $1,688.75 $5,162.75

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 1, 2025
Where Mandurah
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SIRXSLS001 Sell to the retail customer $231.60 $37.00
SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms $260.55 $58.25
SHBXWHS003 Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices $202.65 $80.50
SHBBRES003 Research and apply beauty industry information $115.80 $27.50
SHBBNLS011 Use electric file equipment for nail services $144.75 $53.00
SHBBNLS007 Provide manicure and pedicare services $318.45 $121.50
SHBBHRS010 Provide waxing services $521.10 $275.75
SHBBFAS005 Provide facial treatments and skin care recommendations $521.10 $412.50
SHBBFAS004 Provide lash and brow services $144.75 $60.50
SHBXCCS006 Promote healthy nutritional options in a beauty therapy context $202.65 $21.25
SHBBSSC002 Incorporate knowledge of body structures and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75
SHBBSSC001 Incorporate knowledge of skin structure and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Maintain infection control standards
$405.30 $79.25
Provide specialised facial treatments
$521.10 $476.00
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $4,226.70 $1,766.50 $5,993.20

Semester 2, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SHBXIND003 Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment $231.60 $80.50
SHBBMUP009 Design and apply make-up $231.60 $330.75
SHBBCCS005 Advise on beauty products and services $144.75 $22.00
SHBXCCS008 Provide salon services to clients $144.75 $80.50
SHBXCCS007 Conduct salon financial transactions $144.75 $80.50
SHBXCCS005 Maintain health and wellbeing in a personal services setting $202.65 $31.75
SHBBBOS008 Provide body massages $521.10 $105.75


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Provide skin needling treatments
$405.30 $370.25
Identify and control safety risks for light-based skin treatments
$173.70 $26.50
Provide micro-dermabrasion treatments
$202.65 $165.00
Design and apply make-up for photography
$144.75 $99.25
Use reflexology relaxation techniques in beauty treatments
$144.75 $42.25
Provide aromatherapy massages
$405.30 $37.00
Provide stone therapy massages
$231.60 $169.25
Provide superficial peel treatments
$144.75 $47.50
Semester 2, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $3,474.00 $1,688.75 $5,162.75

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

Semester 2, 2024


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2024
Where Murdoch
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2024


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SHBBSSC001 Incorporate knowledge of skin structure and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75
SHBBSSC002 Incorporate knowledge of body structures and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75
SHBXCCS006 Promote healthy nutritional options in a beauty therapy context $202.65 $21.25
SHBXWHS003 Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices $202.65 $80.50
SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms $260.55 $58.25
SHBBFAS004 Provide lash and brow services $144.75 $60.50
SHBBFAS005 Provide facial treatments and skin care recommendations $521.10 $412.50
SHBBHRS010 Provide waxing services $521.10 $275.75
SHBBNLS007 Provide manicure and pedicare services $318.45 $121.50
SHBBNLS011 Use electric file equipment for nail services $144.75 $53.00
SHBBRES003 Research and apply beauty industry information $115.80 $27.50
SIRXSLS001 Sell to the retail customer $231.60 $37.00


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Provide specialised facial treatments
$521.10 $476.00
Maintain infection control standards
$405.30 $79.25
Semester 2, 2024 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $4,226.70 $1,766.50 $5,993.20

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SHBXCCS005 Maintain health and wellbeing in a personal services setting $202.65 $31.75
SHBXCCS007 Conduct salon financial transactions $144.75 $80.50
SHBXCCS008 Provide salon services to clients $144.75 $80.50
SHBXIND003 Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment $231.60 $80.50
SHBBBOS008 Provide body massages $521.10 $105.75
SHBBCCS005 Advise on beauty products and services $144.75 $22.00
SHBBMUP009 Design and apply make-up $231.60 $330.75


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Provide skin needling treatments
$405.30 $370.25
Provide superficial peel treatments
$144.75 $47.50
Provide stone therapy massages
$231.60 $169.25
Provide aromatherapy massages
$405.30 $37.00
Use reflexology relaxation techniques in beauty treatments
$144.75 $42.25
Design and apply make-up for photography
$144.75 $99.25
Provide micro-dermabrasion treatments
$202.65 $165.00
Identify and control safety risks for light-based skin treatments
$173.70 $26.50
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $3,474.00 $1,688.75 $5,162.75

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


Duration 2 Semesters
When Semester 2, 2024
Where Mandurah
How On Campus

Units and fees

Semester 2, 2024


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SIRXSLS001 Sell to the retail customer $231.60 $37.00
SHBBRES003 Research and apply beauty industry information $115.80 $27.50
SHBBNLS011 Use electric file equipment for nail services $144.75 $53.00
SHBBNLS007 Provide manicure and pedicare services $318.45 $121.50
SHBBHRS010 Provide waxing services $521.10 $275.75
SHBBFAS005 Provide facial treatments and skin care recommendations $521.10 $412.50
SHBBFAS004 Provide lash and brow services $144.75 $60.50
SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms $260.55 $58.25
SHBXWHS003 Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices $202.65 $80.50
SHBXCCS006 Promote healthy nutritional options in a beauty therapy context $202.65 $21.25
SHBBSSC002 Incorporate knowledge of body structures and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75
SHBBSSC001 Incorporate knowledge of skin structure and functions into beauty therapy $318.45 $31.75


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Maintain infection control standards
$405.30 $79.25
Provide specialised facial treatments
$521.10 $476.00
Semester 2, 2024 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $4,226.70 $1,766.50 $5,993.20

Semester 1, 2025


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
SHBBMUP009 Design and apply make-up $231.60 $330.75
SHBBCCS005 Advise on beauty products and services $144.75 $22.00
SHBBBOS008 Provide body massages $521.10 $105.75
SHBXIND003 Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment $231.60 $80.50
SHBXCCS008 Provide salon services to clients $144.75 $80.50
SHBXCCS007 Conduct salon financial transactions $144.75 $80.50
SHBXCCS005 Maintain health and wellbeing in a personal services setting $202.65 $31.75


National ID Unit title General fee Resource fee
Identify and control safety risks for light-based skin treatments
$173.70 $26.50
Provide micro-dermabrasion treatments
$202.65 $165.00
Design and apply make-up for photography
$144.75 $99.25
Use reflexology relaxation techniques in beauty treatments
$144.75 $42.25
Provide aromatherapy massages
$405.30 $37.00
Provide stone therapy massages
$231.60 $169.25
Provide superficial peel treatments
$144.75 $47.50
Provide skin needling treatments
$405.30 $370.25
Semester 1, 2025 fee
  Tuition fee Resource fee Total fee*
General $3,474.00 $1,688.75 $5,162.75

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 

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