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AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology

AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology

National ID AUR32120 State ID BFY1
Prepare for a body-building career in the automotive industry

Develop the skills to work in vehicle body repair. Learn to repair and replace panels and fittings and remove dents using cutting and welding techniques. 

Students train at our Carlisle campus, a leading centre for automotive and panel beating, offering practical, industry-relevant training in modern facilities. 

AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology

This course is low fee* for residents of Western Australia and temporary residents holding certain visa types. An annual fee cap of $400 for those aged 15-24 or concession holders or $1,200 for everyone else, applies to this course. Some eligibility conditions apply for the low fee training and other fees may apply for some courses. Please refer to the FAQs for more information. 

*Please note that eligibility requirements apply to some of the low fee training. 


Where Carlisle

When Continuous enrolment

How Apprenticeship

When you complete the Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology you'll be ready for a career in the vehicle body repair industry.

Learn in specialised facilities

South Metropolitan TAFE's Carlisle Campus is WA's major centre for automotive and panel beating studies. Automotive apprentices and pre-apprentices enjoy state of the art facilities, including new vehicles, specialised repair and diagnostic equipment, fully equipped spray painting ovens, specialised workrooms and workshops. This excellent training program is highly competitive.


  • replace panels and fittings
  • repair corroded, thermoplastic, and composite material components
  • oxy-acetylene and arc welding
  • thermal cutting
  • paint-less dent repairs
  • vehicle body misalignment
  • chassis, and frame repairs
  • workplace safety and health

In order to make an informed choice about the suitability of this course, you must take into account the essential skills and knowledge required to undertake this study.

  • enjoyment of practical work using manual hand tools
  • an eye for detail and good hand-eye coordination
  • good problem solving skills
  • good vision and hearing
  • good communication skills, including customer service skills

Important information

Select your preferred campus and apply

All year round


When All year round
Where Carlisle
How Apprenticeship

Indicative fees and charges 

The fees quoted are estimates only and are for all units in the course for students enrolling on a full-time basis. If you're a student that has successfully completed a lower-level qualification that is a prerequisite for this course, you'll only pay for the units that you need to enrol in to complete this course. Please view the full list of fee disclaimers. 


National ID Unit title
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace
AURAFA108 Interpret and apply automotive repair instructions
AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
AURETR042 Remove, refit and operate electrical components following body repair activities
AURETR125 Test, charge and replace batteries and jump-start vehicles
AURTTK102 Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive workplace
AURTTY001 Repair vehicle chassis, frame and associated components
AURVTN003 Remove and store vehicle body components
AURVTN022 Repair vehicle body misalignment
AURVTN104 Remove, replace and align bolt-on vehicle body panels and components
AURVTN116 Repair vehicle body panels using filler
AURVTN120 Remove and replace major welded panels on vehicles
AURVTN123 Repair adhesive bonded structural damage on vehicles
AURVTN132 Inspect vehicle damage and determine repair procedures
AURVTN135 Apply original equipment manufacturer repair procedures during vehicle repairs
AURVTW103 Carry out advanced gas metal arc welding on vehicle body sections
AURVTW105 Carry out spot welding
National ID Unit title
AURETR149 Apply knowledge of ADAS technology in vehicle pre-repair scans
AURVTA002 Remove and replace vehicle supplementary restraint systems
AURVTN017 Repair vehicle thermoplastic body panels and components
AURVTN018 Repair and replace vehicle structural damage
AURVTN025 Repair corroded vehicle body panels and components
AURVTN029 Set up and operate universal vehicle measuring systems
AURVTN102 Carry out non-structural vehicle panel repairs
AURVTN113 Carry out paint-less dent repairs on vehicle body panels
AURVTN115 Repair vehicle body panels using metal finishing
AURVTN126 Repair vehicle aluminium body panels without the use of body filler
AURVTN128 Identify and repair high strength steel vehicle components
AURVTS104 Repair vehicle composite material components
AURVTW002 Carry out oxyacetylene brazing of components
AURVTW109 Carry out basic gas metal arc welding

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